History & Heritage
Caleb Pike Heritage Park

The land on which the park is located was donated to the Capital Regional District in 1983, and then transferred to the District of Highlands when it was incorporated in 1993. The original Caleb Pike house was restored and in 1985 was opened as community building. The house underwent a second restoration to stabilize the roof structure in 2007. Various buildings have been added to the park over time.
The center of the park is a heritage orchard which is framed by buildings that are connected by pathways. Three of the buildings are designated heritage: the squared log Caleb Pike House dating from 1883, Schoolhouse which was built in 1893 and the Teacherage. The caretaker’s house which is a replica of the Gregory house, another local pioneer home, sits at the back alongside a squared-logged woodshed and a museum.
The Caleb Pike Heritage Park is the focal point for the heritage values of the Highlands community. Statements of significance have been completed for several of the park’s buildings, for listing on the Provincial and National Heritage Registers (See Report).